T/C Kombucha. Pronounced tee-cee, T (tea) / (over) C (coffee) Kombucha.

Our story

Hello 👋🏻 we are Matas & Felicia, founders and brewers of T/C Kombucha by teaovercoffee.

We loooooove food, good food (and spicy food). So it’s only right that when covid changed everything, we turned to (more) food & beverages to spice up our lockdown life. Grocery shopping became even more of a highlight, we found ourselves scouring each aisle, hoping to find a new product we have yet to try. On our hunt for a delicious kombucha in the stores around us, we realised that the affordable offerings are rather limited and the good ones are few and not something we could afford to enjoy often.

So like many others, we decided that the only way to change that is to get our hands dirty and get into brewing our own kombucha.

A little over a year in, various experiments and many tasting sessions later (we are grateful to those who gracefully downed the experimental drinks with no complains, you know who you are), the idea for T/C Kombucha was born.

Moving from home brewing to brewing commercially was a whole new ball game. For example, ‘keeping the optimal temperature for consistent fermentation isn’t a big problem in a home brew, however when it comes to consistently batch brewing in large vessels, how do we go about this?’ was one of the many mysteries we’ve had to solve (always a work in progress, we welcome ideas!).

We appreciate the guidance and sharing from the kombucha community worldwide. That is how we are able to proudly call ourselves a South West London-based start up kombucha brewery today.

Knowledge shared = Knowledge²

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One of the major driving forces of T/C Kombucha is to provide high quality kombucha at affordable prices to the wider community; every single can is crafted, brewed, canned & labelled in-house.
No short cuts. No cutting corners.


We firmly believe everyone should have a chance to appreciate the natural taste of kombucha.
— Matas & Felicia

We enjoy kombucha ourselves, be it neat or as a mixer*. You might find us experimenting with new herbs, flowers, fruits, flavours and spices in our kitchen on an afternoon one weekend, or going old school with our favourites (pomegranate, as of May 2022) as a wind-me-down after meals. Matas purchased a cocktail making kit early 2022 and has since embarked on a journey to explore the art of mixology, that’s a wonderful news for Felicia (and guests) because what’s better than kombucha cocktail?

Free flow kombucha cocktail. 🍸✨

*ps. we love a good kombucha mixer, healthier alternatives to the usual!

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Pro-tip: Friends & family, quote #T/CKombuchaCocktail whenever you drop by ours to redeem a drink tailor made for you! 😉

Kombuchas are often consumed for a myriad of health benefits:

  • good-for-your-gut stuffs
  • probiotics
  • antioxidants
  • immunity boost
  • digestion aid

Over at T/C Kombucha, we strive to preserve the good qualities of kombucha. We do not pasteurise, nor do we sterile filter any of our cans. With that, it also means our drink is
~ alive ~

Fermentation continues in the can, that’s why you’ll find it souring over (a lengthy period of) time; it’s a slow process if kept refrigerated at all times, the process quickens if the can is left on the countertop, even quicker if it’s been opened.

The way our cans are produced meant that each brew possesses its own unique flavour profile that changes ever so slightly from batch to batch, maaagic ✨

Ahhh… enough talking for now, time to listen!
How about you share your thoughts with us?